Welcome to Utropiia!
Selecting just a few pictures to summarize the immenseness of Utropiia is a tall ordeal.
The city’s vertical layout is uniquely dense and notoriously hard to navigate for newcomers, its urban sprawl an order of magnitude larger than any other city on the continent, its inhabitants so varied and the pace of life so hurried that to give the reader an accurate description of Utropiia in any detail would require volumes.
Most of all, there is Utropiia’s embrace of autonomous automata, a technology that on the rest of the continent is still mistrusted, but that in Utropiia is relied upon for numerous tasks. Interacting with these intelligent human simulacra is confounding for newcomers.
Our Utropiian correspondent has selected his favourite photos for your perusal. While the picture these paint is incomplete, they give an overview of this astonishing city, from the Utropiian underground to the airships gliding above the city.