Strange incidents around Utropiia

Recently there have been reports of strange occurrences around the city. Street elements such as benches are stolen and replaced with nonsensical sculptures. Buildings are defaced in seemingly impossible ways. Doors and windows are somehow boarded during the night, or even moved across buildings.

These incidents are rare, but our correspondent was able to photograph the aftermath of such a moment, as seen in the picture below: a strange metal sculpture appeared on a street corner during the night. The residents of the street maintain that the night before there was a bench in its spot, but that somehow during the night it was replaced by this organic-looking metal shape.

What is very strange is that the sculpture is quite reminiscent of the bench that used to stand in its spot. It was a decorative metal bench, in the Utropiian Art Nouveau style that is popular around the city, and the sculpture, which seems to be made from the same machined metal, incorporates identical decorative flourishes. As if the bench had somehow sprouted this metal plant....

Who is responsible, and why, no one can even venture a guess... Who would go to such elaborate lengths to play these strange practical jokes? Utropiian authorities are baffled and neighborhoods worried.

